No Paparazzi Flashes, Just Personal Reflections!

You know, I concur that birthdays are special days. But I am yet to figure out the best way to celebrate it. 

Whether to be kissed by the camera lights for hours, plan my own surprise, blow up my savings or invite some friends for a piles loving, sugar experience. 

So, this Year, I will indulge myself in celebrating it in the best modest way: bask in prayers and wishes all day, a little bit of self-treat and then the most important part of it - reflecting on my life, and sharing a few lessons with you.

Guard Your Heart

Folks, you can become what you consume. It's the law of repeated exposure. If you've sworn to never be a part of or do something, you might be surprised to find yourself knee-deep and unable to do without it. 

This principle applies to both the good and the bad—it's like a double-edged sword that acts subconsciously. 

Hence, the importance of consuming and exposing yourself to information that aligns with your destiny and purpose cannot be overstated. Take intentional steps, one at a time.

Impact & Inspire

Let's admit it—we all enjoy being celebrated. 

Whether it's through private messages, heartfelt essays, story captions, or WhatsApp statuses, we long for people to say good things about us. 

Calls flood in, almost drowning us, and surprises come from every direction, even when we don't expect them every day. 

We love it, and we can have it. 

However, it's essential to recognize that we can't be selfish and expect the universe to be generous towards us. It's not just about our dreams, ambitions, and living our best lives—it's also about helping others live their best lives. 

We must stop and acknowledge that we are beneficiaries of collective efforts—technology, economy, and more. So, whether in big or small ways, let's make it a habit to impact someone's life.

Consistency is a Game Changer

You already know this. You follow your favourite celebrities because they consistently show up. 

What if you feel like you're not good enough? So what? With sheer hard work, innovation, and consistency, you will grow and become the best version of yourself.

Love Yourself, Love Others

Regardless of wealth or social standing, let love lead the way you interact with people. Don't love yourself more and others less. 

Love should be equal. Don't be indifferent to the fall of others. Achieving world peace requires us to love others as much as we love ourselves. It should be our priority.

Here's a little secret: When you love others as you love yourself, you leave a lasting legacy and etch your name in the sands of time.

Thank you for all your wishes. All your wishes and gifts are appreciated! 

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