A Marketer's POV on the Little Things that Concern Customers

Marketers are always looking for the best way to connect to their customers, leading to many groundbreaking and award-winning marketing campaigns. It's a noble thing, and the satisfaction one gets from an idea that goes viral is beyond the description this blog post can give it. 

This is why I am in love with being a marketer -- championing bold ideas and seeing how they form a reality and then, good results.

However, recently I learned about Servicescape, a word that describes the environment where service is delivered to a customer, plus all the facilities deployed to ensure good satisfaction. That knowledge was a mind-shifter for me.

It began to make sense to me why brands like Amazon can't stop innovating ideas like Amazon Go, and why brands like ASDA, and Shoprite can't stop rethinking their check-out options.

Servicescape encompasses not only building structures but also the little things like signs and artifacts—each contributing to customer convenience, shaping how our brand is perceived, and more

In essence, I am saying Marketers should not only focus on the big campaigns and new content, just as a simple "go left" "exit here" matters in a servicescape, so also must the little things that add values to the customers we serve must genuinely interest you.

Keep green-ing. 

Credit: Image by bublikhaus on Freepik

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