Your Marketing Role: How Frustrating Does it Get?

I can imagine a scenario where a colleague asks you to hold onto some cash for him. Then, you step out. Minutes later, he sees you making your way back into the office, when he asks you where you were coming from, you tell him you went to get some items from a nearby shop. He gets angry because you didn't get the same thing for him (as if you should have known).

That state of "What exactly is wrong with you? Am I supposed to read your mind or something?" is exactly how being a marketer feels like sometimes.

The hard work of thinking the way a customer does, the battle between our own preferences and the actual (sometimes not so obvious) preferences of the customers. 

It is really like a tug of war. In content creation, you feel like time is wasted again, especially when your Cinderella post fails to attract the prince.

But... Take it easy on yourself and remain as strategic as possible. The beauty of this is that we do not have to be mind readers to know what the customers want or like. It takes active listening, monitoring, and going as far as speaking with these people.

And if you want to give your heart a multi-factor authentication as anti-break security toward your big break, consider adding experimentation as part of your marketing strategy -- I noted this again today while taking a course on HubSpot Academy.

Let us hope this helps. And keep green-ing. 

Credit: Image by wayhomestudio on Freepik

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