Three marketing lessons to ponder upon on a Tuesday morning...

So I thought to share some marketing lessons that have been pondering all week:

1) Do not underestimate your competition: Every company has got a vision they are running with, so if you think your passion to make your business succeed is fire, I bet there is someone out there whose own is a raging inferno. Imagine two suitors seeking the hand of a lady in marriage. If you are going to be the suitor the lady chooses, you must have done something that got her heart panting for you. This lady represents your customers, what you did to win her heart is how you have gone the extra mile to ensure your marketing strategy is speaking her love language. 

2) Brace up for the odds stacking against you: You can’t expect a smooth sail for anything grand, because you will be up against several internal. Like turnover rate internally and government policies externally. Just like putting a fire extinguisher in a car, you are not praying for an accident, but it is there just incase the unexpected occurs, imaging worst possible scenarios and provide a response plan can sharpen your competitive edge.

3) Eyes on the cup, or get ready to pack your bag: Get distracted from your marketing objective, and you might lose just everything entirely.

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