One thing AI Can never do... Unless...


I know what AI can never do!  

AI won't help a man make their life choices. Man will himself choose what makes or mars him. This responsibility is exclusive to him. And extends even to the juncture of deciding whether to use AI or Not. 

I have found some AI tools very fantastic and I stand with the school of thought that AI portends more benefits for marketers than what we might even know yet. 

But, how it would impact you and your business, lies exclusively in your hands. That's my belief.

Shall we give AI the upper hand of sorting all the jobs, while we doze off our desks and expect to stand out as a brand? Like Paul, allow me to loudly say "God forbid".

AI is trained with data used by human beings. So as you may have guessed, every work of AI might look alike. 

That paints a picture of a crowded micro-market a brand is trying to enter into, in other to gain the affection of the customer and carve an authoritative space for itself, it has to rethink its positioning which will be influenced by its various differentiation strategies. 

This is my point: The use of AI will be proliferated or is already proliferated; if you decide to utilise it, take a critical approach. Analyse the mundane areas of your business, and hand it over to AI. Set some ground rules on the usage of AI's output that helps you add colour and essence to it. Then, thrive through the power of the seamless and innovative collaboration of Humans and AI.  

Keep green-ing. 

Credit: Image by DC Studio on Freepik

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