The Difference Between Cash Cow and Cash Hog Marketing Team

What works for Peter might not work for Paul. It sounds so simple until we need to put it into practice. Instead of painstakingly going through the needs of every audience segment, some marketers find it easier to make assumptions. 

“Marketing is about fact”, blurted out one of my erudite marketing lecturers who was instructing us on an assessment. The reason is simple: Assumptions can mislead. How many times have you gotten into a heated conversation or bad fight just because you “THOUGHT, or perhaps someone did something that they assumed was good for you, when in fact, pisses you off the most?

While drawing lessons from the past to predict what’s ahead is reasonable, budding marketers must understand the dynamics of the profession we have chosen. We are too important to the business for us to leave that hard-earned money (marketing budget) to chance. 

In conclusion, when you make assumptions, don’t hold back in finding out what’s valid or not before taking action because that might be what identifies your team as a cash cow or cash hog. 

Keep green-ing. 

Image by wayhomestudio on Freepik

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