Whether to be reactive or proactive…

There is always a trend to look forward to each passing year. I suppose that some are a result of man’s quest for growth opportunities. While some are just another deliberate effort by brands to trigger needs that customers will have no other choice but to fix. 

In my opinion, every brand should actually be that ambitious; not reactive but proactive to their industry’s status and the changing living conditions of their audience. 

Many years ago, I would go to a cyber café to get paid minutes of browsing. Switching between different tabs that includes Facebook and that popular download websites that I can’t recall the name, I had never thought there will be a time where I would browse super freely. Now imagine where the world will be today about two decades ago, if not for individuals and brands that refuse to settle. 

Being ambitious doesn’t always have to be individualistic; as a brand, take the future in your hands. What would you be changing or innovating? 

Keep green-ing.

Credit: Image by Freepik

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